Friday’s a great day to catch up with friends of the wake and find out what they’re up to. Currently Danny Hampson is down under in Australia riding and hanging out with the one and only Aaron Reed, probably eating the sh%t out of some meat pies. Here’s what’s on deck for the wakeskate all star…


Wakeskate Graphic: Oh man you got and wait and see! I will just say it is sexual!


Concert: I want to go to Jimmy Buffett in February but think I’m going to be out of town.


Meal: I’m in Australia so probably a meat pie.


Time you’ll see Aaron Reed: I’m looking at his beautiful self right now.


Trick You’ll Learn: Pete rose five.

Danny: Not even close to a pete rose 5… photo: Cortese


Video Part: I don’t know I want to film a part. Maybe for the Internet?


Vacation: Me and my girlfriend are going on a cruise next month. I’m going to make it or break it in the casino.


Date Night: Valentines day bay-bay! I’m going to be out of town for my girlfriend’s birthday and get back on v-day so I got to try and pull something together.


Movie You’ll See: The Tim Tebow Documentary Everything In-Between. I like that guy he is a winner and the haters are all going to hell.


Book You’ll Read: I’m reading a book of poetry and one about the suburbs for school. Regular genius shit I guess.


Purchase You’ll Make as a “Treat” to Yourself: I’m still trying to recover from the fifty dollar case of beer I had to buy last night. The prices are crazy over here but it was Australia day. You got to get down to with the sickness.


Project That will Require Power Tools: I built a floating dock that I now love to tinker with. I also have to put together my skateboards.