In case you didn't hear, Danny Hampson is having a rough year. After surviving a near fatal boating accident last summer, Danny has again fallen victim to injury — this time a broken leg on a botched frontside big spin attempt. Obviously not as severe, but he'll be out for a good six weeks. Danny is bummed because he was just starting to get his mojo back — with a couple of impressive performances at the Toe Jam last week and a full dance card of upcoming events. He's rehabbing at his home in the Florida Keys though, and JoJo the Dolphin has been coming over every day for moral support.

If you're in Vegas this weekend, chances are you could run into a whole lot of pros who are there for the Supercross. Parks Bonifay, Rusty Malinoski, Shawn Watson, Danny Harf and Chad Sharpe all went out to play for a few days — look them up at the pool at the hard Rock Cafe.