Working for Alliance and doing lots of trips/stories/photoshoots, I often get asked questions like, "How many photos do you take?" or "What happens to all the photos you don't use?"

So in an attempt to answer some of those questions, I've gone back into my storage vault of digital mania and selected some "outtakes." These particular outtakes come from last summer's Coming Up trip to Mike Schwenne's West Coast Camps on Lake McClure. The Coming Up trips are usually chalk full of outtakes because we are doing so much riding and shooting over a period of five days, and every time all of the guys have killed it. Sometimes it can actually be hard to pick which photos to run in the magazine and which photos to leave out. We usually manage to run one or two of the best ones in the Photo Annual and then go through the process of making final selections for the article.

These photos are some of the ones that, for one reason or another, didn't make the cut. Here are some of the stats:

– 5.5 days of shooting (6 morning shoots, 5 evening shoots)

– 930 photos "selected" (these are the photos out of the original photo shoots that I saved. Photos that get trashed are usually unusable — out of focus, bad action, bad exposure, etc.)

– Coming Up story in the May '09 issue was 10 pages long. 11 photos ran in the story (with a sequence counting as one photo).

– One photo from the trip ran in Photo Annual and one crash sequence ran as the Wad page in the back of the magazine.

If there are any articles in past issues of Alliance (or an issue that comes out in the future) where you'd like to see some more outtakes, feel free to let us know.

More from the 2008 Coming Up trip: