Hello Riddlers, we’re on to word number three! Here’s the latest clue, and the first five, in case you missed them.

Riddle me this # 6?
We’ve moved on but you have the first 2 figured out by now right? Regardless of how buff you are you wouldn’t be caught dead without it in battle.

Riddle me this # 5?
This game is getting pretty ridiculous. We’ll make it a little easier for you. It’s an adjective, probably thought it was a noun didn’t you? When you get buff you get more of it.

Riddle me this # 4?

Still couldn’t figure out last weeks? Here is another clue. It’s capabilities are endless. We rely on it everyday to man up our machines.

Riddle me this # 3?
We’ve moved on so you better have the first word figured out. The lights go on, the tank ignites – we’ve all been in amazement of this adjectives magnitude.

Riddle me this # 2?

Will give you another clue to the first word. This adjective is a rousing force of magnetic volatility.

Riddle me this # 1?

Did you read the press release? There was a clue there. Figure out what the clue was? Cool. If not – we will charge the fields, and see you next week.

Good luck! Until next week…

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