
Shoes or Flops: I love my rubbah slippahs!

On a flight, Aisle or Window: Window; I like falling asleep on long flights.

Snow or Skate: I’ve never actually snowboarded yet, but I skate on a regular basis.

Call or Text: I’ll do both, but I definitely prefer talking over texting.

Airs or Turns: Who doesn’t love a big air?

Epoxy board or Poly: I’ve used both; I like the light weight and buoyancy of an Epoxy board.

360 or Frontside Grab: To me, a frontside grab just looks… iconic! A nice grab screams extreme.

Regular or Goofy: I’m a regular rider, but a lot of my friends are goofy. I try to do both.

Contests or Freeride: Contests are great! I love meeting new, cool people that advance the sport (like Josh Sleigh)!

Tacos or Veggies: Tacos have veggies in them sometimes, so they’re healthy like veggies. Right? RIGHT?!

Lake or Ocean: I love the water either way; the ocean just feels like home though.

Arizona or California: California; the beach, the cities, the girls… all so beautiful.

Steep wake or Flat: Nothing better than a dialed in, steep wake to make someone say “WHOA”

Animated film or Romantic Comedy: Animated films, they’re generally shorter and less cheesy.
